Sacrifices in Life?

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What sacrifices have you made in life?

At some point in life, we all give up some very important things inorder to focus on our ambitions.

Sacrifice is the price you pay for success. You have to let go of something so that you can gain something else more valuable.

Some of the sacrifices people make include working on their free time to get some extra income, sleeping less hours to work, going to work abroad or away from family for years, limiting social life and others even give up relationships to focus on their dreams.

Sacrifice requires discipline and understanding your priorities right. You don’t wake up one day and decide to give up something without looking at the consequences.

You have to ensure the reward of your sacrifice is worth the time and resources you are willing to invest.

What sacrifices have I made in life?

– Spend my free time doing something constructive (writing 😊)

– Sometimes I use an extra hour or two and sleep late

– I was a social media person, I have now limited my usage and I usually uninstall some apps (especially tiktok) even for weeks and I find myself more productive

– Besides the small adjustments, the main sacrifice I ever made was quiting a job!

Life in itself is full of sacrifices and taking risks, don’t settle until you get it right. Sacrifice is painful but the rewards are sweet!

14 responses to “Sacrifices in Life?”

  1. Vijayendra Kumar Avatar
    Vijayendra Kumar

    The article made sense, but there is this emotional pull. We often follow our hearts and think things through later.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Irene Fes Avatar
      Irene Fes

      Very true, thank you Vijayendra for your insight!


    2. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
      Willie Torres Jr.



  2. Johnbritto Kurusumuthu Avatar
    Johnbritto Kurusumuthu

    Your encouragement to not settle until you achieve your goals is inspiring. It reminds readers that sacrifice is not in vainβ€”it leads to valuable rewards and personal fulfilment. Your positive outlook on sacrifice as a pathway to success resonates with anyone striving for their dreams.πŸŽ‰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Irene Fes Avatar
      Irene Fes

      I appreciate it, thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
    Willie Torres Jr.

    Giving me lots to think on. There are lots of move that I know I should or must do but sacrifice is not in me. I am afraid of making that move without having a plan in place and even with a plan, I hesitate at the change. But nothing comes easy, and without making a move for that open door, we would never know what is on the other side.

    Also, on the topic of social media, I have been pondering on cutting back on time spent on it and apply myself more to doing what I Love (I can relate to you) , which is writing. We shall see if I can put my fears aside . In God’s Hands.


    1. Irene Fes Avatar
      Irene Fes

      You’ve got all it takes to go for it, one day at a time! I am wishing you all the best as you continue impacting the world

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Willie Torres Jr. Avatar
    Willie Torres Jr.

    Thank you, those words and words of encouragement truly mean alot . One foot in front of the other πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸΌ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Irene Fes Avatar
      Irene Fes

      Yeeees, it can only get better 😊
      All the best!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. joannerambling Avatar

    I have sat here and thought and I can’t think of a damn thing I have sacrificed but there must be stuff, I just can’t think what right at this moment.


    1. Irene Fes Avatar
      Irene Fes

      There must be something, even the small things count like working that extra hour 😊❀️


  6. Mthobisi Magagula Avatar
    Mthobisi Magagula

    Motivational blog post Irene. Well, I want to add and say that sacrifice is one key ingredient for success. If we sacrifice our time and the things we do for a great cause, we actually pounce on the items we really want in life.

    I like your examples of sacrificing things like using social media such as Tiktok and that is good, these apps can be a distraction and I removed tik tok for years, I don’t even remember when the year was but it’s been years. Even on WhatsApp, I am on pause, I even removed my profile picture to just avoid the temptation to post.

    Lastly, one way to enjoy the sweet rewards it is to just put in the work and become productive. I am happy that this June, my book “THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR MEN TO DRESSING LIKE A MASTER” is coming out. I am working on a second one as I type this commentπŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    Let us keep pushing familyπŸ’–


    1. Irene Fes Avatar
      Irene Fes

      Wow, good for you and congratulations on your bookπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŽŠπŸŽŠ
      That is so amazing to hear, may your hard work pay off❀️


      1. Mthobisi Magagula Avatar
        Mthobisi Magagula

        Thank you πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ™


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